My Transformation Stories about Self-confidence as an Elementary Student

By Jim Hasse, ABC, GCDF, Disability Employment Expert

Transformation Stories

How I became
an independent adult

What my mom would have
wanted you to know.

Seven lessons I learned
about self-confidence.

  • Riveting stories
  • Quick read
  • Expert advice
  • Potential pathways
  • Mainstream orientation

Now is the time to resolve insecurity issues with your elementary school student.

The steps you take now to help
your youngster grow in self-esteem will help him or her be ready to find meaningful work and build an enjoyable life.

Jef Spitzer-Resnick Facebook entry/recommendation.

Excerpt From Story 1

He had never let me down. Even when the going got tough, he had never dropped

It is real to this day. I hear him grunt
under my weight. With my frail body wrapped around his beefy back -- my
feet dangling as he clutches my knees
and holds them firmly against his waist
-- I grab at his surprisingly small shoulders, locking my thin arms around
his neck. I dig my chin into the back
of his neck, trusting he will not fall.

Paul is three years younger than me,
yet at 10 he can haul me on his back
along the dusty cow paths and across
the rippling creek in our Back Forty.

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7 Transformation Stories: Little Book 1 Cover
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These are seven personal-experience stories (and seven learning experiences) about how I developed self-confidence. I didn’t have an opportunity to tell my mom about those experiences.

They are stories which now, decades later, may help you mentor your own youngster.

Story 1 - “Difficult Terrain”

Story 2 - “Random Reprisal, Rigid Ritual”

Story 3 - “Crossing the Red Line”

Story 4 - “First Payment for Doubt’s  

Story 5 - “Simple Suppositions”

Story 6 - “Slim Chance”

Story 7 - “Growing Space”

Little Books: Get All 7

There are actually seven quick career-insight Little Books for parents of youngsters with CP

Each of the seven Little Books takes about 40 minutes to read.

Each illustrates and summarizes the essential career builders for your youngster’s age group – all through seven transformation stories about my personal experience as a person with CP.

Collect all seven.

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Originally written and illustrated by Jim Hasse, ABC, GCDF, owner of Hasse Communication Counseling, LLC, who, as a person with cerebral palsy, served for 10 years as a vice president in a Fortune 500 company during his 29-year career in corporate communication. He’s an Accredited Business Communicator, certified as a Global Career Development Facilitator and author of 14 Amazon books about disability awareness and disability employment issues.