Self-confidence Quotes: Cerebral Palsy Career Builder for Elementary Students

By Jim Hasse, ABC, GCDF, Disability Employment Expert

Here are 12 self confidence quotes that may be appropriate for your elementary student with cerebral palsy (CP) when he or she needs a boost to reach the next developmental milestone.

These are personal-experience anecdotes from people with a variety of disabilities I’ve collected over the years in response to this question:

How have you, as an individual with a disability, developed the self confidence to obtain a meaningful job?

Personal-experience anecdotes

I’m always impressed how well the resulting self confidence quotes reveal each person’s bedrock character – attributes that I would find impressive as a hiring manager.

I hope the following 12 self confidence quotes can be of some inspiration for your youngster.

I’ve divided these self confidence quotes into eight categories or qualities that I believe a youngster with CP such as your son or daughter needs to develop over the years, staritng in the elementary grades. The eight categories for these self confidence quotes are:

  1. Forward Pitched
  2. Dream Driven
  3. Process Guided
  4. Risk Tolerant
  5. Self Directed
  6. Results Oriented
  7. Solution Minded
  8. Coddle Resistant

Let’s examine these self confidence quotes one category at a time.

1. Forward Pitched

“At the age of 19, I had a car accident that left me for three months out of this world -- just exactly at the middle of my animal science career in Monterrey Mexico. I had to pull myself (up because), before my accident, I was a sportsman and a singer also -- completely independent. After it, I had to show (that), despite … the damage I can cause to myself, I can still be a functional person, never looking back but always forward and with a big smile on my face. That way I changed the wrong perception of people about me. Actually I am married, have two sons and a great job, despite … adversity.”

- Sergio

2. Dream Driven

“There has been one motto I've followed ever since I lost my vision at age seven. That motto is simple: I can do it. If one keeps that in mind, it will be easier to live an independent life. There will be times when that will seem to be simplistic because life has its ups and downs, but this applies to everyone, physically challenged or not.”

- Dennis B.

“There is still a widespread belief that there are ‘blind-jobs’ best suited for those without vision ... but the acceptance of that premise is both demeaning and limiting. Begin with your dreams, then with your plans to achieve them. Partner with those who can help you realize those dreams. There is no joy in setting the bar low or going under the bar (JH: How about that for a self confidence quote?). The greatest joy is success in spite of one's disability. Exceeding expectations is far more rewarding than just ‘meeting expectations.’ Small steps may seem insignificant until one looks back at the journey and the point from which it began.”

- Paul

3. Process Guided

“Get in touch with what kind of work has meaning and would be realistic for you to do, then make a commitment to pursue it. Get the training you need, volunteer to get experience and gain confidence. Small steps and successes toward the goal build confidence. Don't give up if it gets hard or challenging. Keep going and you will accomplish your goals!”

- Priya

“What does not work for me is not discussing my visible disability and the need for using a walker for mobility. I have begun discussing it with mixed results. I am looking for allies who will support my endeavors. I have many friends who do not consider me disabled. Finding corporations who value my gifts is a search that takes time, patience, persistence, determination and an indomitable spirit. All of these things I have in abundance thanks to my disability -- except for patience, of course.”

- Barney

4. Risk Tolerant

“…Growing up blind, my parents and the rest of my family always gave me the opportunity to try my hand at various things, and if they saw that I just simply could not perform a task, or if they saw that modifications to the task needed to be made, they did not criticize me for it. They simply accepted and still do accept the fact that I am who I am and there are things that, due to my eye disease, I just simply cannot do or need modifications for. This is also true of friends and others who work with me.”
- Jake

“…You learn more from your failures than you do your successes in most cases. Think of it as feedback rather than failure: You need more information, more education, more thought about your goals and plans and dreams as well as a better strategy to work it all out. Never be afraid to try. Some of our most successful people failed and tried several times before they reached a level of success… Your strengths … will put you on the path to confidence…”


5. Self Directed

“One of my small steps toward self-confidence was finally getting my driver's license after 26 tries. You see, I am dyslexic and also have ADD (Inattentive); left and right mean little if nothing to me. Before getting my license, I was restricted to working where there was a good transportation system. After my disability was diagnosed at age 36, several years after getting my license, I became a mental health case manager, almost tripling my income, and spending almost my entire day driving to and from my clients, as well as accompanying them to important appointments… Learning to drive also taught me to trust in myself and my capabilities, to say ‘no!’ when road conditions (and life situations!) were beyond my skill level. When you know yourself that well and can trust your own judgments, self confidence just has to follow!”

- Jean

“…There will be those who try to thwart your progress; some of these may be among people you would think are supposed to be helping you reach your goals. But these should be YOUR goals, realistically thought out, and planned for in the same way you would plan a wedding or a long trip. What interests you? Is it a good fit? Do you like the work involved? Can you acquire the skills (however long it might take)? Who will help you acquire the skills? What accommodations need to be planned for?”

- Dennis R.

6. Results Oriented

“My disability is visual impairment (retinitis pigmentosa). I started out as an office automation clerk typist, and I literally had to prove at every step of my career ladder climb that I could successfully perform the duties of an assignment as easily as my co-workers could. Now, over 16 years later, I have worked my way up to the point that I'm a specialist.”


7. Solution Minded

“Memory has been a major problem in dealing with my MS symptoms as well as my vision. I have difficulty with certain vision aspects and have found that the less florescent light I have in my office the better I can see my computer screen. The other is I have a note pad in the car as well as in my purse and home in the bathroom and kitchen that helps me to remember many of the daily routines I need to do each day -- especially since I am trying to start my own business.

- Nancy

8. Coddle Resistant

What doesn't work for me is a confrontational attitude on my part when I am faced with the paternalistic instincts of friends, family and co-workers. This is hard for me. I know you all know that we feel the same as those without special needs. When I address being ‘molly-coddled,’ if I address it in a calm, non-judgmental way, I seem to get further -- except for with my own mother (who loves me but makes me crazy).”

- Connie

Be sure to share any one of these self confidence quotes with your youngster when you think the time is right.

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Originally written and illustrated by Jim Hasse, ABC, GCDF, owner of Hasse Communication Counseling, LLC, who, as a person with cerebral palsy, served for 10 years as a vice president in a Fortune 500 company during his 29-year career in corporate communication. He’s an Accredited Business Communicator, certified as a Global Career Development Facilitator and author of 14 Amazon books about disability awareness and disability employment issues.